Pet Food Institute Commences 2021 International Market Access Activities to Support US Pet Food


WASHINGTON, DC – The Pet Food Institute (PFI), whose members make the vast majority of dog and cat food sold in the United States, announced that it has commenced its 2021 Market Access Program (MAP), including in new markets, to advance the export of U.S. pet food. Since 1993, PFI has engaged in the program, administered and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), to help reduce barriers to trade, create awareness of the value of American pet food and generate product demand. PFI thanks USDA for the opportunity to continue participation in the program and serve as an advocate of pet nutrition to pet lovers around the world.

“Across the world, the attitudes toward pet ownership and the relationship with pets continue to evolve as families realize the many benefits that a dog or cat can bring to our lives,” said Nat Davies, PFI’s Director of Business Operations and Programs, who manages day-to-day MAP administration. “Through the USDA-support Market Access Program, PFI can help further awareness of responsible pet ownership, the value of complete and balanced pet nutrition, and work to address barriers that may prevent the entry of U.S. pet food into foreign markets. We are pleased and excited to begin work in 2021, including in our new markets.”

For 2021, the PFI Market Access Program will be active in 10 markets, representing 17 countries. These markets are selected based on their past export history and evaluations to confirm that market promotion activities would certainly help increase the rate of export.

  • Brazil (new to 2021, market evaluation will be conducted)
  • Caribbean (Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago)
  • Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama)
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Mexico
  • Middle East (Israel, United Arab Emirates)
  • Philippines
  • South Korea (new market for 2021)
  • Taiwan

Marketing activities, held by in-country representatives, include events such as veterinary trainings on key topics in pet nutrition, consumer outreach campaigns on responsible pet ownership and communicating on the dangers that table scraps can pose to pets. For full information and for photographs from previous events, visit

While PFI’s MAP outreach supports U.S. dog and cat food makers, increased production and export of pet food and treats can benefit other parts of the American agricultural sector and the United States economy as a whole. A first-of-its-kind study conducted by PFI, the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the North American Renderers Association (NARA), found that U.S. pet food makers use 8.5 million tons of animal- and plant-derived ingredients valued at nearly $7 billion. These purchases of ingredients support American agriculture and stimulates economic activity across the supply chain.

PFI is also working on a similar program from the USDA, called the Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program. The program is directed to work with the Guatemala authorities to help reduce the extremely long time that it takes for pet food products to be registered in the country.