Food Facts & Advice

Health & Nutrition

Learn how the science of pet nutrition is applied to pet food in order to deliver complete and balanced nutrition to our pets.

More from Pet Food Facts & Advice

Learn about the origins of pet food ingredients and the crucial role they play in our pets’ health and longevity.

Discover our new series where board-certified veterinarians explain topics dealing with your pet’s health, care, and well-being.

Discover how PFI is working with U.S. and foreign governments to increase market access and facilitate U.S. pet food exports through science-based policies.

Articles You Can Trust

We Are Pet Lovers & Pet Food Experts

Our articles rely on the latest scientific research and advice from pet food scientists, veterinarians, and researchers, ensuring trustworthy content prioritizing pet health, safety, and longevity, just like we do for our own pets and yours.