Pet Food Institute Applauds Signing of Phase One Trade Deal Between United States and China


Agreement Removes Barriers for U.S. Pet Food Exports to the Growing Chinese Market

WASHINGTON – The Pet Food Institute (PFI), the national trade association for U.S. dog and cat food and treat makers, thanked the Trump administration and officials at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for their diligent work on phase one of a trade agreement with China. Among the many important provisions in the agreement is the removal of unscientific barriers that effectively closed the Chinese market for U.S. pet food makers for more than 15 years.

Alan Bostick, immediate past chair of the PFI Board of Directors and president and CEO of Sunshine Mills, Inc., attended the signing ceremony at the White House on behalf of PFI members. “Thanks to the hard work of this administration and negotiators, American businesses now have more opportunities to meet the needs of the Chinese market. This includes the millions of Chinese pets and their owners who are looking for American-made pet food products.”

American pet food has had limited access to China for nearly two decades despite a growing middle class of pet lovers. By securing the removal of unscientific Chinese restrictions, the first phase of the trade agreement between the United States and China facilitates the entry of safe, nutritionally balanced U.S. pet food. PFI’s internal market research indicates that broader access to the Chinese market could lead to an additional $300 million in American pet food exports, representing a 20 percent increase in overall U.S. pet food product exports.

“U.S. pet food and treat makers pride themselves on the safety and nutrition of the products they deliver to pet owners in the United States and around the world,” said Dana Brooks, president and CEO of PFI. “Access to critical markets such as China means we can serve more pets and their owners. Chinese market access also means more growth and jobs for U.S. pet food makers and our entire supply chain. We are grateful to all the U.S. officials, led by the White House, involved in this effort to provide meaningful access to this important market for so many U.S. products, including pet food.”


Since 1958, the Pet Food Institute has been the voice of the U.S. pet food and treat makers. PFI is the industry’s representative before Congress and state legislatures, as well as state and federal agencies; public education and media relations resource; organizer of seminars and educational programs; and liaison with other organizations. PFI represents the companies that make 98 percent of U.S. dog and cat food and treat products, an industry with more than $30 billion in U.S. retail sales and $1.46 billion in exports in 2018. Visit to learn more.