Pet Food Institute Celebrates Overwhelming Bipartisan Support and Passage of USMCA


WASHINGTON – Dana Brooks, president and CEO of the Pet Food Institute (PFI), thanked Congress today for the overwhelming bipartisan support of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and celebrated the passage of the trade agreement out of both chambers. Brooks also thanked the Administration and Congress for their collaboration and successful work to reach a meaningful and beneficial deal.

“Thanks to the bipartisan efforts of Congress and ability to work together with the Administration, the United States can now expect continued predictable trade with our North American partners,” said Brooks. “Whether looking to gain supply chain certainty or ensure access to our Mexican and Canadian markets, U.S. pet food makers will see significant benefits under USMCA and its modernized provisions for today’s trade environment.”

The U.S. pet food industry currently maintains a strong relationship with trading partners to the north and south. Canada and Mexico represent the first and third largest international markets, respectively, and exports reached approximately $740 million in 2018, representing well over one-half of total U.S. pet food exports.

“Beyond North America, we are excited to see the ‘gold standard’ that USMCA sets for future trade agreements around the world,” Brooks added. “Thanks to the hard work of Congress and the Administration, there is now an opportunity to develop similar trade agreements with other countries where U.S. pet food makers stand to see the largest growth, benefiting the entire supply chain.”


Since 1958, the Pet Food Institute has been the voice of the U.S. pet food and treat makers. PFI is the industry’s representative before Congress and state legislatures, as well as state and federal agencies; public education and media relations resource; organizer of seminars and educational programs; and liaison with other organizations. PFI represents the companies that make 98 percent of U.S. dog and cat food and treat products, an industry with more than $30 billion in U.S. retail sales and $1.46 billion in exports in 2018. Visit to learn more.