Statement from the Pet Food Institute Regarding Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Relief Efforts


WASHINGTON – The staff at PFI and our member companies are terribly saddened by the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and our hearts go out to the people and pets impacted by these disasters. To assist in relief efforts, PFI members are supporting a variety of organizations, including partnered emergency assistance groups, animal shelters and food distributors. Our members are donating many of the pet-related goods and services currently needed, such as food, cat litter, transportation out of the impacted areas, supplements for the dietary management of trauma- and health-related symptoms, and publicity about volunteer and donation opportunities.

To ensure that we and our members are kept abreast of current conditions, can efficiently organize response efforts and effectively provide support where the greatest needs exist, PFI is coordinating with stakeholders across the pet sector, including with our sister organizations in manufacturing, retail, distribution and pet health.

As pet lovers, we are all heartbroken by the tragic situations in Texas and Florida and want to help provide emergency aid for the many displaced families and animals. If you are able, please donate to your disaster relief or pet-related charity of choice. We are keeping the impacted people and pets in our thoughts.